Monday, March 5, 2012

Test/ Essay Items for Learning Objectives

Kindergarten unit of study is Alphabet study. Within this unit there will be many learning objectives, each objective would be used for each letter of the alphabet, since this unit would be a yearlong unit in kindergarten.

Learning Objectives:
1.     The students will be able to pronounce the letter name by sight of the letter.
2.     The students will be able to give the phonemes for the letter.
3.     The students will be able to write the letter, both uppercase and lowercase, appropriately.
4.     The students will be able to use their phonemic awareness to organize objects based on the starting letter.

Tests for each objective:
1.     The test for this objective will be a one-on-one auditory test with an adult. The adult will have flash cards, a sheet of paper with a variety of letters, or an alphabet chart to assess the child.
The adult will say, “What is the name of this letter (point to a letter)?
When this sheet of paper is on the table, the objective is to see if the child can pronounce the letter name by the sight of the letter.
The test is to go through these sheets, which combined will have all 26 letters both uppercase and lowercase letter, to evaluate if a child knows the name of the letter by sight.
2.     The test for this objective will be a multiple-choice test. (The sounds that are underlined will be given by an adult, and not written on the test itself)
1.     Listen to this letter sound and fill in the bubble that matches it. /t/
à      Tt
à      Gg
à      Ff
à      Pp
2.     Listen to this letter sound and fill in the bubble that matches it. /b/
à      Ff
à      Pp
à      Bb
à      Dd
3.     Listen to this letter sound and fill in the bubble that matches it. /m/
à      Mm
à      Nn
à      Ll
à      Oo
3.     The test for this objective will be a two-part test. The first part is an essay test.
Pick a letter of the alphabet. Using the alphabet picture cards of the letter, write a story at least three sentences long using at least three of the cards. Make sure to give your character a name starting with your letter of the alphabet.

Example: Letter is Jj. Cards are jaguar, jump, jump rope, jelly, jungle, jam, and jeans.
There was a jaguar was named Jordan. One day, Jordan jumped over a jar of jam. He tripped and had jam all over his jeans. Mom called Jordan over to the jeep to drive him home to clean his jeans.

Teacher notes: Each student will have their own letter of the alphabet. Have the students underline the words they use from the cards. They will be graded on spelling their words from the picture cards correctly, having a story that makes sense, and being able to write their letter correctly (both capital for the name, and lowercase for the words from the picture cards). The story must be three sentences long and the story contains at least three picture cards.

The second part of this test, since these kids are in kindergarten and their writing skills are still being worked on, they must come to a teacher and read their story to the teacher. The teacher should take exact dictation of their story, writing each word under the word they are reading.

4.     The test for this objective is going to be a matching test.
Match the picture to the beginning sound of the picture. Each picture should be used once.
Example: Aa -----------------

Beginning sounds                        Pictures

1.      Bb     

2.     Cc

3.     Dd

4.     Mm

5.     Pp

6.     Tt

Another test item for this objective would be a similar item as above, but in column form. Having columns of the letters and a wider variety of pictures allows for a clearer cut view of knowledge of the beginning phonemes paired with a letter.

Cut out the pictures, say the picture aloud, and glue them under the letter that has the same beginning sound. Each picture should be used once.  



Attached to the doc sharing, is a hard copy of my assessments- since the pictures which were part of my assessments will not transfer to the blog. 


Colorado Department of Education. (2011, August 11). Unit of academic standards.
Retrieved February 26, 2012, from CDE: improving academic achievement:

Kubiszyn, T., & Borich, G. (2010). Educational testing and measurement: classroom
application and practice (Ninth Edition ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey, US: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Naz, B. A. (2009, July 23). Presentation on instructional objectives. Retrieved
February 26, 2012, from ERIC:

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